Zihao Zhen​g

Address: Department of Geographic Science and Remote Sensing
Guangzhou University
DOB: 1992-08-11
Telephone: +86 13268286914
E-mail: zhengzh@email.com; zihao.zheng@phd.unipd.it
Website: https://zhengzihao.github.io/
Wechat: zhengzh_grser
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=L2oGhykAAAAJ&hl=en
researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zihao-Zheng-8


Università degli Studi di Padova PhD LERH 2018-2021
Guangzhou University MSc Cartography and GIS 2015-2018
Guangzhou University BSc GIS 2010-2014


2018 National Scholarship (Graduate Student)
2018 Outstanding Student of Guangdong Province (Graduate Student)


2022-now Editorial ​Advisory Board Member Ecological Indicators (Elsevier)


Nighttime Light Remote Sensing: human footprint, data calibration, light pollution, etc.
Urban Ecological Remote Sensing: remote sensing ecological index, urbanization intensity, etc.
Google Earth Engine Mapping: vegetation, water body mapping, etc




  1. Zhou, Y., Zhengz, Z.,Wu, Z., Guo, C., Chen, Y. (2023).Construction and evaluation of ecological networks in highly urbanised regions: A case study of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao greater Bay Area, China. Ecological Indicators,152,110336. (SCI Q2, IF2022 = 6.90)  
  2. Bai,T., Chen, J., Zhengz, Z.,Zhang, Q., Li, Z.,Xu, D. (2023).Drivers of eco-environmental quality in China from 2000 to 2017. Journal of Cleaner Production,396,136408. (SCI Q1, IF2022 = 11.10)  
  3. Huang,Z., Chen, Y., Zhengz, Z.,Wu, Z. (2023). Spatiotemporal coupling analysis between human footprint and ecosystem service value in the highly urbanized Pearl River Delta urban Agglomeration, China. Ecological Indicators,148,110033. (SCI Q2, IF2022 = 6.90)  
  4. 江本砚,张玉莉,李珊,李建军,郑子豪,王洪光. (2023). 珠三角自然保护地夜间光环境的时空动态及敏感距离. 应用生态学报,34(06),1601-1609. (北大核心, CSCD)  
  5. 郑晓豪,陈颖彪,郑子豪,郭城,黄卓男,周泳诗. (2023). 湖北省生态系统服务价值动态变化及其影响因素演变. 生态环境学报,32(01),195-206. (北大核心, CSCD)  
  6. Zheng, Z ., Wu, Z., & Marinello, F. (2023). Response to the letter to the editor “is the z-score standardized RSEI suitable for time-series ecological change detection? Comment on Zheng et al.(2022)” Science of The Total Environment, 855. [SCI Q1 TOP, IF=7.963]  


  1. Zhang, Q., Zheng, Z., Wu, Z., Cao, Z., & Luo, R. (2022). Using Multi-Source Geospatial Information to Reduce the Saturation Problem of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data. Remote Sensing, 14(14), 3264. [SCI Q1, IF=5.349]  
  2. 黄晓峻, 吴志峰, 张棋斐, 曹峥, 郑子豪, & 何江润. (2022). 基于人类压力指数的粤港澳大湾区湿地资源分布与重要湿地识别. 自然资源学报, 37(8), 1961-1974.[北大核心, CSSCI]  
  3. Yang, Z., Chen, Y., Zheng, Z., & Wu, Z. (2022). Identifying China’s polycentric cities and evaluating the urban centre development level using Luojia-1A night-time light data.Annals of GIS, 1-11.  
  4. Zheng, Z ., Wu, Z., Chen, Y., Guo, C., & Marinello, F. (2022). Instability of remote sensing based ecological index (RSEI) and its improvement for time series analysis. Science of The Total Environment, 152595. [SCI Q1 TOP, IF=10.753]  


  1. Zheng, Z., Wu, Z., Chen, Y., Guo, G., Cao, Z., Yang, Z., & Marinello, F. (2021). Africa’s protected areas are brightening at night: A long-term light pollution monitor based on nighttime light imagery. Global Environmental Change, 69, 102318. (SCI Q1, Top, IF=11.16)  
  2. Zheng, Z., Wu, Z., Chen, Y., Guo, G., Yang, Z., & Marinello, F. (2021). A Simple Method for Near-Real-Time Monthly Nighttime Light Image Production. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. [SCI Q1, IF=5.343]  
  3. 郑子豪, 吴志峰, 陈颖彪, 杨智威, & Francesco Marinello. (2021). 基于 Sentinel-5P 的粤港澳大湾区 NO2 污染物时空变化分析. 中国环境科学, 41(01):63-72. [EI, 北大核心]  
  4. 郭城,陈颖彪,郑子豪,林妙萍,阮杰儿. (2021). 顾及时空背景的遥感生态指数适用性分析——以粤港澳大湾区为例. 地理与地理信息科学,37(05):23-30. (北大核心)  
  5. Yang, Z., Chen, Y., Guo, G., Zheng, Z., & Wu, Z. (2021). Characteristics of land surface temperature clusters: Case study of the central urban area of Guangzhou. Sustainable Cities and Society, 73, 103140. (SCI Q1, IF2020 = 7.587)  
  6. Yang, Z., Chen, Y., Guo, G., Zheng, Z., & Wu, Z. (2021). Using nighttime light data to identify the structure of polycentric cities and evaluate urban centers. Science of The Total Environment, 780, 146586. (SCI Q1, Top, IF2020 = 7.963)  
  7. Guo, G., Wu, Z., Cao, Z., Chen, Y., & Zheng, Z. (2021). Location of greenspace matters: a new approach to investigating the effect of the greenspace spatial pattern on urban heat environment. Landscape Ecology, 36(5), 1533-1548. (SCI Q2, IF2020 = 3.851)  


  1. 郑子豪, 吴志峰, 陈颖彪, 杨智威, & Francesco Marinello. (2020).  基于 Google Earth Engine 的长三角城市群生态环境变化与城市化特征分析. 生态学报, 41(02):717-729. (北大核心, CSCD 核心库)  
  2. Zheng, Z., Wu, Z., Chen, Y., Yang, Z., & Marinello, F. (2020). Exploration of eco-environment and urbanization changes in coastal zones: A case study in China over the past 20 years. Ecological Indicators, 119, 106847. (SCI Q2, IF2020 = 4.958)  
  3. Zheng, Z., Wu, Z., Chen, Y., Yang, Z., & Marinello, F. (2020). Detection of city integration processes in rapidly urbanizing areas based on remote sensing imagery. Land, 9(10), 378. (SCI Q2, IF2020 = 3.398)  
  4. Yang, Z., Chen, Y., Zheng, Z., Huang, Q., & Wu, Z. (2020). Application of building geometry indexes to assess the correlation between buildings and air temperature. Building and Environment, 167, 106477. (SCI Q1, Top, IF2020 = 6.456)  


  1. Zheng, Z., Chen, Y., Wu, Z., Ye, X., Guo, G., & Qian, Q. (2019). The desaturation method of DMSP/OLS nighttime light data based on vector data: Taking the rapidly urbanized China as an example. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 33(3), 431-453. (SSCI Q1, IF2020 = 4.186)  
  2. Zheng, Z., Yang, Z., Chen, Y., Wu, Z., & Marinello, F. (2019). The Interannual calibration and global nighttime light fluctuation assessment based on pixel-level linear regression analysis. Remote Sensing, 11(18), 2185. (SCI Q1, IF2020 = 4.848)  
  3. Zheng, Z., Yang, Z., Wu, Z., & Marinello, F. (2019). Spatial variation of NO2 and its impact factors in China: An application of sentinel-5P products. Remote Sensing, 11(16), 1939. (SCI Q1, IF2020 = 4.848)   
  4. 陈颖彪, 郑子豪*, 吴志峰, & 千庆兰. (2019). 夜间灯光遥感数据应用综述和展望. 地理科学进展, 38(2),205-223. (CSSCI, 北大核心, CSCD 核心库)  
  5. Yang, Z., Chen, Y., Wu, Z., Qian, Q., Zheng, Z., & Huang, Q. (2019). Spatial heterogeneity of the thermal environment based on the urban expansion of natural cities using open data in Guangzhou, China. Ecological Indicators, 104, 524-534. (SCI Q2, IF2020 = 4.958)  
  6. Yang, Z., Chen, Y., Qian, Q., Wu, Z., Zheng, Z., & Huang, Q. (2019). The coupling relationship between construction land expansion and high-temperature area expansion in China’s three major urban agglomerations. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40(17), 6680-6699. (SCI Q2, IF2020 = 3.151)  
  7. Xie, Z., Ye, X., Zheng, Z., Li, D., Sun, L., Li, R., & Benya, S. (2019). Modeling polycentric urbanization using multisource big geospatial data. Remote Sensing, 11(3), 310. (SCI Q1, IF2020 = 4.848)  
  8. 杨智威, 陈颖彪, 吴志峰, 郑子豪, & 李娟娟. (2019). 粤港澳大湾区城市热岛空间格局及影响因子多元建模. 资源科学, 41(6), 1154-1166. (CSSCI, 北大核心, CSCD 核心
  9. 杨智威, 陈颖彪, 郑子豪, 李娟娟,& 辛咏诗. (2019). 广东省 A 级旅游点空间分布特征与可达性测度. 地理空间信息, 17(06):51-55+9.  
  10. 胡应龙, 陈颖彪, 郑子豪, 吴志峰, 李安敬,& 杨德校. (2019). 空地多视角影像的古村落三维重建应用. 测绘科学, 44(04):139-145. (CSSCI, 北大核心, CSCD 核心库)  


  1. 郑子豪, 陈颖彪, 吴志峰,& 张棋斐. (2018). 单元路网长度的 DMSP/OLS 夜间灯光数据去饱和方法. 遥感学报, 22(01):161-173. (EI, 北大核心, CSCD 核心库)  
  2. 杨智威, 陈颖彪, 吴志峰, & 郑子豪. (2018). 粤港澳大湾区建设用地扩张与城市热岛扩张耦合态势研究. 地球信息科学学报, 20(11), 1592-1603. (北大核心, CSCD 核心库)  
  3. 甘琳, 陈颖彪, 吴志峰, 千庆兰, & 郑子豪. (2018). 近 20 年粤港澳大湾区生态敏感性变化. 生 态学杂志,37(8), 2453. (北大核心, CSCD 核心库)  
  4. 胡应龙, 陈颖彪, 郑子豪, 吴志峰, 李娟娟, & 杨智威. (2018). 广州市生态系统服务价值空间异质性变化. 热带地理, 38(4), 475-486. (北大核心, CSCD 核心库)  
  5. 郑子豪, 陈颖彪, 吴志峰, & 胡应龙. (2017). 基于多源遥感的城市生态用地识别及生态风险评价. 城市观察,(03):19-30.  
  6. 郑子豪, 陈颖彪, 千庆兰, 李勇, & 谢锦鹏. (2016). 基于三维模型的城市局地微气候模拟.地球信息科学学报, 18(9), 1199-1208. (北大核心, CSCD 核心库)